Saturday, October 23, 2021

Game Theory


Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown
He's a clown, that Charlie Brown
He's gonna get caught
Just you wait and see
(Why's everybody always pickin' on me)

Does Charlie Brown always have to be a loser?

It’s that time of the year when Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown before he can kick it.  He does it every year,  always with the same result.  He ends up on his back with Lucy holding the football that she pulled away at the last second.  This is a two-player game and Lucy always wins. But Charlie Brown keeps playing because he thinks that it is the only game in town.  I don’t think that Linus, or Schroder, or Peppermint Patty, etc. would pull the football away.  Charlie Brown  also obviously does not learn from the past or else he would not play with Lucy again. 

According to game theory, Charlie Brown has the problem of being the losing player in a two-player game.  He does not always have to be a losing player if he was in more than a two-player game (e.g. someone else held the football).  He also has the problem that he places no value on the future and does not learn from the past so he continues to play. Lucy also clearly places no value on the future and expects Charlie Brown to play again.

If Charlie Brown played a multiplayer game, where someone besides Lucy held the ball, he would probably get to kick the football.  If he learned from past games, he might not believe Lucy on the current kick and would walk away and refuse to play with her.

In the US Senate, there is currently a two-player Game: Democrats versus Republicans.  Mitch McConnell clearly has no value for the future, or else he would not have let society’s infrastructure crumble.  As long as the Senate plays a two-player game with someone who has no value for the future, there should be no expectation for a different result.  In December, expect Mitch McConnell to pull the football from Chuck Schumer again. Losers like Charlie Brown might be lovable.  But you can be lovable and not be a loser. Let us hope that Chuck Schumer learns this lesson before it is too late.

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