Thursday, October 6, 2022

Love is Life


My Blue Heaven

There's a smilin' face, a fireplace, a cozy room
And a little nest that's nestled where the roses bloom;
Just Molly and me, and baby makes three,
We're happy in my Blue Heaven

Is three then the minimum number for Heaven?

I have argued in early posts that three is a special number, and  In the same blog posts I noted that in game theory there are separate strategies for playing a two-person game by assuming the worst of the other player, while in three or more person games there are rules for continuing the game. It is not just in the political arena that this lesson might need to be learned. In order to make a baby it takes two, or at least that is what I think both religion and science say.

However, that two can be in a two-player game, and the act of conception is a dominance game, e.g. rape, incest, etc.; or it can be an act of love, e.g. Stevie Wonder’s marvelous song about the birth of his daughter…  isn't she lovely, made from love. Stevie Wonder in that same song goes on to say Life and love are the same. If you agree, and I hope that you do, this was a three-person game: Man, Woman and Life. If it is instead a two-person, dominance, game without love, then isn’t it death. So those approving of conception based not on love must be favoring death and forsaking Heaven, of any shade including Blue.

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