Monday, October 3, 2022

400 Posts


400 Years

Look how long four hundred years (four hundred years, four hundred years)
Way too long! (wo-o-o-o)
That's the reason my people (wo-o-o-o) my people can't see
Said, it's four hundred long years (four hundred years, four hundred years. wo-o-o-o)
Give me patience (wo-o-o-o) same philosophy

It hasn’t been 400 years, but it has been 400 posts

As I prepare for my 50th College anniversary,  and also looking over my blog posts, I am very grateful that 50 years ago I pursued a major which required 24 of the 28 courses needed for graduation. Given my blog posts, I might have  instead taken courses in:

In reality, I probably would have been like my senior year college roommate who had to, at the last minute, come up with a major that matched the courses that he had already taken. Too much variety is not always a good thing.



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