Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Impulse Control II


Incident on Rogers Creek

Were you lost?  No, just bewildered,
Were you caught? No, just surrounded.
Were you brave and were you courageous?
Well, wait and see.

Are we there yet?

If you are a boomer like me, you might remember the lyrics in the song from an animated featurette on Captain Kangaroo. ( the song is by Bing Crosby, which I don’t remember the Captain ever saying). The Captain was trying to teach his audience the virtue of patience.  The toddler’s cry “Are we there yet?” is an indication that the toddler in the back seat has not yet learned patience.

“Marry in haste, repent at leisure” is an adage that is taught to children.  A related saying is "Look before you leap".  Something that sounds good at the moment, because you have no impulse control, might not look so good to you once time has passed.  An important step in growing up is learning patience and not to giving into your first instinct. Learn to wait and see.

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