Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Outcomes II


Paint it Black

I see a red door And I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black.

If you only see things in Black and White, you can be missing quite a lot.

Black and White might seem like two  dimensions.  It is not. It is only one dimension,  choice, and black is not making that choice and white is making that choice.  But Black is only the choice of one outcome.  If you look at multiple choices, then the most probable choice is 50% Black and 50% White, in other words gray.  If various shades of gray were allowed, for example 50 as in the popular book series, then only one of those 50 is 100% black and one of those 50 is 100% white.

Microsoft Word allows for three colors, dimensions: Red, Green, and Blue. It allows for 256 graduations within these colors.  This allows for 2563 gradations within these three dimensions, or 16,777,216 colors.  And the most common color is still grey. It does not take many dimensions and many gradations within those dimensions to give rise to many, many possible outcomes.

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