Friday, March 1, 2024

The Middle II


You Do Something to Me

You do something to me
Something that simply mystifies me
Tell me, why should it be
You have the power to hypnotize me?

We are in the middle of a battle between “Do Something” versus “Destroy Everything”

Progressive Democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren  seem to be believers in “Do Something”.  The Freedom Caucus and their allies such as Matt Gaetz, Majorie Taylor Greene and Ted Cruz seem to be believers in “Destroy Everything”.  It is up to the moderate and conservative Democrats, and the remaining liberal and moderate Republicans (who are believers in our constitutional republic and are not “republicans In Name Only” ) to ensure that some things that have been done will be destroyed, but not everything that has been done will be destroyed. 

Neither of the two opposing sides should win.  It is that middle that should win because the middle is most of us.

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