Sunday, March 24, 2024

Truth and Justice


The Power

Like the crack of the whip, I Snap attack
Front to back, in this thing called rap
Dinging like a cymbal, rhyme devil on the heavenly level
Bang the bass, turn up the treble
Radical mind, day and night all the time
7:14, wise divine
Maniac brainiac, winning the game
I'm the lyrical Jesse James

I’ve got the Power!
I’ve got the Power!

Power is an output, NOT an input.

Power and glory are the outputs. Truth and justice are the inputs. Absolute power is correctly associated with the absolute. So if we have absolute power, then we can be absolute too? Uh no, it doesn’t work that way.

If there is no truth and justice, then there is no power and glory. Lord Acton’s adage is that “Power tends to corrupt,  and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.  I don’t think that there is a similar saying that truth tends to corrupt, and absolute truth corrupts absolutely. So the goal should be to create truth and justice, and then hope to get power and glory. Don’t ever accept power and glory without truth and justice.

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