Tuesday, April 30, 2024



Defying Gravity

It's time to try defying gravity I think I'll try defying gravity Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity And you won't bring me down

To defy gravity first you have to understand gravity.

Newton proposed that Gravity is a force representing the change in momentum between the masses of two particles such that the force between those particle is

F=G* (m01 * m02)/d122 , G=6.67×10-11

where d12 is the distance between mass 1 and mass 2, and m0x is the rest mass for mass x. This assumes that the rest mass does not change with respect to the speed of the mass.

Einstein proposed that the speed of light is a limiting factor and that the mass DOES depend on the speed and position of the particle. In a flat space, there is no reason for a system of two or more masses to seek a lower energy system and any change in momentum of these objects would still appear to be accompanied by a force (gravity).

F=G*( (m01/√(1-(v1/c)2)))* (m02/√(1-(v2/c)2))))/d122 ,G=6.67×101-1

where d12 is the distance between mass 1 and mass 2, and m0x is the rest mass of mass x and vx is the speed of particle x , and c is the speed of light.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics requires that the energy of a system of objects will seek the state of lowest energy and any reduction in the energy of the system will be equal to an increase in the entropy of the system. In curved, hyperbolic, space, those two masses/particles will each seek to lower their energy and approach a common center along a geodesic. This change in energy will be accompanied by a change in momentum. But while true in curved, hyperbolic, space, this would be viewed in flat space as an apparent force, like centrifugal force, and NOT an intrinsic force. The apparent force of gravity is these masses seeking to lower their energy, maximize their entropy, and this is


where d12 is the distance between mass 1 and mass 2; m0x is the rest mass of mass x; and vx is the velocity of mass x

While this may be the true equation of “gravity”, “gravity” may only be an apparent force and not one of the three intrinsic fundamental forces.  If the velocity is less than the speed of light, then Einstein’s formula may also be used.  The only reason that this is true is that this is within the same domain, and Eistien's Formula is an approximation which  requires no change in domain.  If the speed is very small compared to the speed of light, then Newton’s formula may be used.  So before we defy “gravity”, we must first recognize that “gravity” may be an illusion.

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