Monday, April 15, 2024

Truth IV


Make Believe.

Others find peace of mind in pretending,
Couldn't you,
Couldn't I?
Couldn't we?
Make believe our lips are blending

In a phantom kiss - or two - or three.
Might as well make believe I love you,
For to tell the truth, I do...

I don’t want Make Believe. I want the Truth.

A random distribution, function, has two parameters: the location, µand the range, σ. If that random function was considered to be a wave, then the location could be considered to be the phase, and the range is a function of the amplitude. If the Truth is absolute, the sum of all random functions, then each of those waves has a phase and an amplitude, except that the phase of a single wave may inter with the phase, cancel out, another wave. Thus to an observer that is not the absolute it might appear that the absolute has no phase. But the Truth still has a phase and an amplitude, even if that non-absolute observer can only percieve one parameter.

Thus saying that something is True, has an amplitude, or is False, has no amplitude, is misleading. Truth has both an amplitude, which  is a function of σ, AND a phase, which is a function of µ.

If you have played Clue, Mastermind, Wordle,  or many other games, you might be familiar with the concept of a Truth Table. Saying that a Truth Table has only one dimension is misleading. Something that has a phase, but no amplitude might still be the truth if you can use: fact checking, regulation, etc., to establish what the amplitude should be. Something that has an amplitude, but no phase specified, might also be the truth if you can use: voting rights, suffrage, unionization, or etc., to establish and increase the size of the sample. Thus an incomplete Truth, by having no amplitude or no phase, might still be found to be True, if you can establish the missing parameter.

To use Clue as an example, you might know Colonel Mustard is the killer, but you might still need to establish the weapon that he used, assuming that the dimension of the room is not needed. In Wordle, knowing that you have the number of letters correct AND the the positions of those letters correct is what defines a winning word. Then you know will know the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth, while knowing only one dimension, when there are two, might only be Make Believe.

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