Thursday, April 4, 2024



Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart

I still recall the thrill, guess I always will
I hope 'twill never depart
All nature seemed to be in perfect harmony
Zing! Went the strings of my heart

Do you HOPE, or are OPTIMISTIC, that the thrill will never depart?

The difference between Hope and Optimism is that Hope is outward looking for a group while Optimism is inward looking for an individual.  The saying "Those that can do, and those that can’t teach" is IMHO from a User Optimal, individual, perspective.  From a group, System Optimal, perspective it would be "Those who care only about themselves do, those who care about others teach." 

My native state, Rhode Island has a motto, featured on the state flag, of Hope.  The iconic Barack Obama print featured the word Hope.  Corinthians, 3:13 “Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love.”  Long live Hope.

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