Sunday, September 8, 2024



1, 2, 3

1-2-3, oh, that's how elementary it's going to be C'mon, let's fall in love, it's easy
Like takin' candy from a baby

1-2-3 is elementary, NOT deterministic.

I am a fan of three. For example A system  has three part: 1) an input; 2) a process; and 3) an output. Just because an input is deterministic, it does NOT mean that the process has to be deterministic, or the output has to be deterministic. For example take a coin. It has only two sides. What could be more deterministic than that. Flipping that coin is random NOT deterministic. The outcome is NOT deterministic either. It is 50% the coin is heads AND 50% that the coin is tails. So while the input was 100%, a coin,  the output AND the process are random.

When the input and process are combined into a scenario,  that also does not mean that the scenario has therefore become deterministic and therefore the output is deterministic. It still depends on the process. If the process was not deterministic, the output won’t be deterministic because the scenario can’t be deterministic. If a process is random, then it has a variance of more than zero. Goldilocks is a solution when the process is deterministic: not too hot, and not too cold; not too hard, and not too soft; just right, halfway between the two extremes. But if a process is random, its variance is NOT zero, then the output can not be Goldilocks, and Nash Equilibriums govern. At equilibrium the solution is 5/6 of the variance, σ2, which is identical to the mean, μ, plus two times the square root of the variance, σ. Only when the variance is zero, will the solution be the mean, just right.

Saturday, September 7, 2024



Both Sides Now 

I've looked at life from both sides now From win and lose and still somehow It's life's illusions I recall I really don't know life at all 

You don’t need to pick a side, or repeat both sides.  Life IS both sides. 

If a surface is hyperbolic then there is a hyperbolic, non-Euclidean solution for the hypotenuse of a triangle on that surface. If life is a complex number, x + y*i, and we are living in reality, y=0, then that solution is cosh(life)=cosh(x)*cosh(y), which is life=ln(cosh(x) ± sinh(x)) beause cosh(0)=1. By subtracting cosh(x) from each solution, and because cosh(x) is symmetrical, that is cosh(-x) is equal to -cosh(x), this can also be stated as life=ln(0 ± (sinh(x)+cosh(x))). If an absolute can be approached but not obtained, then the behavior approaching that absolute is said to be exponential. Since both sinh and cosh can be stated as exponentials, the two solutions are x and -x. This, and the surface being hyperbolic, is consistent with the two sheets of a hyperboloid. If our universe is one of those sheets, then it has the opposite sign of the other sheet. If our universe is observable, then there must exist an unobservable universe that has the opposite sign of any value in our universe. 

Or to put it in New Testament terms, “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.”  And life always has both a certain term, cosh(x) and an uncertainty term, sinh(x), which means that uncertainty is a consequence of being on a hyperbolic surface. Any value from an absolute will have two solutions, the value and its opposite. Or from an absolute, again in New Testament terms Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”. In other words, remember on Election Day, there is neither liberal nor conservative, neither Democrat nor Republican, for you are all one in America.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Affirmative Action III


I’m Sorry

I'm sorry, so sorry
Please accept my apology
But love was blind
And I was too blind to see

Oops I made a mistake, but IMHO so did the Supreme Court!

I took the position that Affirmative Action is always a good thing in a previous blog post,, while the US Supreme Court overturned Affirmative Action in its 2024 opinion on college admissions.  IMHO, we were both guilty of being false. I was being a false positive. I was saying that Affirmative Action was always being used for good, and therefore the decision was wrong. The Supreme Court was saving that Affirmative Action is always bad, and IMHO that is a false negative. As it turns out MIT and other elite schools are finding that the racial constitution of the incoming freshman classes is less diverse racially, but is more diverse economically.  Huh?

There is a wealth inequality in the United States that has a racial component. On average Whites are wealthier than Blacks and Hispanics.  But that doesn’t mean that some Blacks and Hispanics aren’t wealthier than some Whites. What the elite colleges were apparently doing is admitting the wealthiest minorities. In that fashion they could be more racially diverse, but NOT more economically diverse. If they had used NO bias, the incoming class should be just like the overall society. By only admitting wealthy minorities, those colleges could be more diverse racially, while being not being economically diverse. The lack of Affirmative Action, as it was being used in admissions, just  might have highlighted the fact that colleges were being less diverse than the general population when it comes to wealth, even if they appeared to be closer to the general position for minority status. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., the goal is to judge on “the content of one’s character, not the color of one’s skin.”  

So is the goal of Affirmative Action wrong? IMHO, not in the least. 

Was the way in which it was being administered producing a false positive? Apparently.



Born Free

Stay free
Where no walls divide you
You're free as a roaring tide
 So there's no need to hide
Born free
And life is worth living
But only worth living
'Cause you're born free

Walls ARE meant to divide you.

The opposite of freedom is to have walls.  The phrase after all is “Divide and Conquer.”  If you accept walls, then you are accepting being conquered.  If life is a Zero-Sum game with walls, then when you win, you take something from others.  If life is a game of growth, not Zero-Sum,  then everyone could have more at the end than at the beginning.

A motto of the United States is “E pluribus unum.  Out of many, one” .  It is the United States, NOT the Divided States. Don’t build or accept walls.



Dazed and Confused

Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true
Wanted a woman, never bargained for you
Lots of people talk and few of them know
Soul of a woman was created below, yeah

Are you confused?

Many of the problems of the world are that some very basic concepts are being confused.

Mean and median.  Mixing up these terms, which sound similar, can lead to unintended things.

Effective and Marginal.  The US Tax Code changed in the 1980s because people did not understand the difference between effective (e.g. first derivative) and marginal ( e.g. second derivative) and that has led to more than 40 years of extra income for high income taxpayers.

Dominance and Certainty.  The ruling of a panel of judges should be certain.  It should not merely be dominant. A unanimous jury approaches certainty.  A 5-4 panel of judges is merely dominant.

If we have dazed and confused ourselves, shame on us.  If others have taken advantage of us because they are dazing and confusing us, shame on them. And shame on us.  Don’t be confused.  The first thing a stage magician learns is to distract the audience so they can't tell they are being tricked.  If you don’t know, take the time to find out before you act, you are effectively letting others act for, and possibly trick, you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Nash Equilibriums III


All about the Bass

Because you know I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, hey

I beg to differ. It’s all about the Math!

I know that Math is Hard, but bear with me. Math may be the explanation, and the solution, to our current problems. This might sound strange but what mathematicians would call infinity, a scientist might call an absolute, an ethicist might call Truth, and an Evangelical would call God, But all can be analyzed/approached the same way.

Let’s suppose the existence of infinity/absolute/Truth/God. The absence of these things would be death, flat-lined. A flat-line has no Amplitude, no variance. The presence of these things must therefore have an Amplitude according to the formula ½A2=σ2, where A is the amplitude and σ2 is the variance. Infinity/absolute/truth/God as a wave, the opposite of a straight line, must be ...doh...infinite. A wave is an infinitely repeating function of π, which is merely saying that while a wave is infinite, there might be no difference between its behavior at π, 2π, 3π, …nπ, …∞π. If there is an absolute that repeats as a function of π, it must have a repeating median/mean, μ, of π /2.

Individuals can act like a wave. (Don’t believe me! Have you never seen a crowd at a stadium doing the wave!). So how do you get many individuals to perform like a wave. A normal (The mathematical name for it. Not a moral judgement!) distribution of individuals is the logistics, hyperbolic secant squared,  distribution, 1/4s*sech2((x-μ)/2s). S is a function of the variance, according to the formula σ2=s2π2/3. That function is also known as the Probability Distribution Function, PDF.

While ordinary wave functions repeat with a period related to π,  hyperbolic wave functions, such as sech, repeat with a period related to πi, where i is the imaginary number, i=√-1. ( I know math is hard, but the kids in Algebra know this!). Also for functions of x, f(x), there is a derivative of that function, f’(x), which is the slope of that function, and an integral of that function F(x)=f(x)δx, which is the area under that function. The derivative of the logistics distribution is
-1/8s2*sech2((x-μ)/(2s))*tanh((x-μ)/(2s)). The integral of the logistics function, which also goes by the name Cumulative Distribution Function, CDF, is 1/2*tanh((x-μ)/(2s))+1/2. ( again Math is Hard. Feel free to check with the kids taking AP Math!)

All of this to say that a wave function, its derivative, and its integral can be defined for any value of x given only two parameters: the median, μ,  which is akin to the phase of the wave, and the range, s, which defines the amplitude of the wave. There are three behaviors that are of interest. The first is User Optimal, UO,  defining only the median, as μ=0 and allowing any value for s. This can be defined as “Only I matter,” “Second place is first loser”, “Winning is the only thing”, “All’s fair” , etc. The second behavior is System Optimal, SO where you accept infinity/absolute/Truth/God/π and thus the median must be π/2, but you say that  you always are 100% certain. The problem is that since you are only an individual, according to the logistics distribution you must also be 40% certain at either 1/3π or 2/3π, and 6% certain at either 1/6π or 5/6π, etc. This means that you then have to be much more than 100% certain if you add all of these together. While being more than 100% certain sounds great, it is mathematically impossible. In fact the integral, CDF, of the logistic function when μ=π/2 and s=.25, which is consistent with being 100% certain at μ, starts at 50% certain at x=0, while the certainty should not be 50% until  x=π/2.

This is like the scene at the door to the back room in Casablanca. UO behavior is asking ”Do you know who I am?”  SO behavior is throwing all UOs out of the Club. The third behavior, the Nash Equilibrium (for reasons that would make your head hurt) is saying that μ=π/2 and s= 0.51451 and this is like saying “I know who you are. You’re lucky your cash is good at the bar.”  An ideal single wave would be s=.55139 which is consistent with a value of s=.5 (twice the SO value) on a hyperbolic non-Euclidean surface because of the use of the hyperbolic secant, from a perfect multiple wave. The derivative of this function and its integral under all of these behaviors are shown below. 

Figure Derivative, dPDF, of logistic function

Figure 2 Certainty, PDF, of logistic function 

Figure 3 Integral, CDF, of logistics function

Those following a User Optimal, UO,  strategy will  try to get those following a System Optimal,  SO, strategy to join them by saying that "I will act like you are correct ( the quiet part NOT out loud being especially since as a UO, I can accept any s) if you act like my median of μ=0 is correct". Instead if the SO wants to be like perfection, then it should adopt a Nash Equilibrium, NE, strategy. The best strategy is not to win, UO, and not the common good, SO, but to quote mathematician John Nash from Ron Howard’s Oscar winning A  Beautiful Mind, is  “to win for the common good,” a Nash Equilibrium. If you are a SO plan to join with NEs, NOT with UOs, if you want to be perfect.

Sunday, September 1, 2024



Red Rubber Ball

And I think it's gonna be all right Yeah, the worst is over now The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball

But how does that red rubber ball bounce?

A bounce, rebound, occurs when an object, such as a particle, encounters a discontinuity. That discontinuity can be a physical surface, or it can be merely observational, that is the ability to observe, and measure, may be the actual reason that there appears to be a  discontinuity..

If a particle is moving, and is not acted upon by a force, that particle moves in a straight line. That is Newton’s Law of Inertia. However this is only true if space is flat. It is more proper to say that a particle moves along the geodesic in its space. If the space is flat, then the geodesic is a straight line. But if that space is not flat, for instance is spherical or hyperbolic, then it is non-Euclidean, and only flat space is Euclidean.

We say that the Earth is a sphere, and we live on the Earth’s spherical surface. That is why the shortest distance between two points on earth is more properly a Great Circle Distance. While this is true, it might be only of interest to airplane pilots and others who measure vast distances. When the distances involved are far less than the radius of the Earth, then the solution for the hypotenuse of a triangle on that spherical surface is cos(c/R)=cos(a/R)*cos(b/R), where R is the radius of the Earth/spherical surface, and it is virtually identical to the solution on a classical flat Euclidean surface, cos(c)=cos(a)*cos(b), as can be verified by using the series for the trigonometric functions. Both of these are equal to Pythagoras’ Theorem, c=√(a2+b2). It is therefore customary to say that the distances on Earth  are spherical globally but are flat locally. Might this also be true for space?

The solution for the hypotenuse of a triangle on a hyperbolic surface uses hyperbolic trigonometric functions, cosh(c)=cosh(a)*cosh(b). This has a different solution than the classical solution. The classical solution relies on the circular identity, cos2+sin2=1.  In hyperbolic space the identity cosh2-sinh2=1 applies. Additionally space may not be merely what can be observed, it might be that which can not be observed, i. In this case reality having a coefficient of zero for that which can not be observed can be expressed as a complex number which is reality plus zero imagination, r+0*i. If reality is the solution of a triangle r2=(a2+b2)+02*i, then its solution in hyperbolic space is
ln(cosh(a2+b2) ± sinh(a2+b2)) because cosh(02) is 1,  where the ± indicates that there are two solutions. Because cosh is symmetrical while sin is symmetrical, and for small values of a2+b2 compared to the size of the universe, sinh(a2+b2), the uncertainty, is also small. This can be also expressed as a single solution, ln(cosh(a2+b2)+sinh(a2+b2)), if reality is one solution. This is no different than electrical engineering where some solutions have real and imaginary components, and the imaginary component is ignored. The single solution merely says that the real solution has the opposite sign of the imaginary solution, and that the imaginary solution is being ignored.

A rebound in flat space is symmetrical because a straight line is symmetrical about that discontinuity. Hyperbolic motions are NOT symmetrical as real numbers. They are almost linear on one side of the discontinuity and almost parabolic on the other side of the discontinuity. If there is a linear motion on one side of a discontinuity and that discontinuity is NOT a surface and the motion is parabolic on the other side of the discontinuity, this probably is an indication that the motion is hyperbolic, NOT a highly skewed parabola. A parabola requires an imaginary solution if that motion passes through, is rotated by 180º or π. It is suggested that is more reasonable to assume that this discontinuity is because the observable behavior continues as unobservable behavior than it is to assume the behavior has become imaginary.