Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dominance II


Glad Tidings

And we'll send you glad tidings from New York
Open up your eyes so you may see
Ask you not to read between the lines
Hope that you will come in right on time
And they'll talk to you while you're in trances
And you'll visualize not taking any chances
But meet them halfway with love, peace and persuasion
And expect them to rise for the occasion
Don't it gratify when you see it materialize
Right in front of your eyes
That surprise

Open up your eyes and see in 3-D, full color.

There is a great desire for certainty.  For example, the stock market wants nothing more than certainty.  But absolute certainty is NOT something to which humans can ever achieve.  We can get very close, but can NOT ever get to absolute certainty.  We may be deceived into thinking that dominance is certainty.  If you let dominance determine things, then everything is either 100% or 0%, you either win or lose.  You are then seeing in 1-D, Black and White only. 

If you accept that we can’t ever get to 100%, then you are seeing in 2-D,  acknowledging that Shades of Gray matter, and that the answer is between 0% and 100%.  But even this is incomplete.  If you want to see in 3-D and full color, then Black and White has to be replaced by RGB: Red, Green, Blue. Then the answer is between  0% and 33%, or normalized to between 0% and 100% for each of those three colors.  Open up your eyes and realize that you want to see in 3-D, Full Color and NOT in 1-D, Black and White.  If you accept dominance then you are being simple, not certain.

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