Monday, June 10, 2024

Hostage Rescue


To Life

Be happy! Be healthy! Long life!  And if our good fortune never comes Here's to whatever comes Drink, l'chaim, to life!

Amen to that!

Israel rescued 4 hostages taken by Hamas on October 7, 2023. That is a reason to be happy.

There are still living hostages who have NOT been rescued. That is a reason to be sad.

One Israeli IDF officer lost his life in the rescue. That is a cause to be sad, but that officer died a hero so be happy for him.

274 Palestinians also lost their life in that rescue. Among them were Hamas terrorists. Those in Hamas did not kill these hostages but taking innocent hostages to pursue their own aims was unspeakably EVIL and deserves to be punished. But many of those in Hamas responsible for the taking of hostages were NOT  killed in the rescue attempt. The fact that all of those in Hamas who were guilty but unpunished is a reason to be sad.

But among those 274  Palestinians were children and others who were NOT members of Hamas or even sympathetic to Hamas. They should not have been punished, especially not by losing their life, and that is a reason to be sad.

Be happy.  To Life.  L’chaim!

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