Monday, June 24, 2024

Choices II


Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Now, her name was Goldilocks
And upon their door she knocked
But no one was there
So she walked right in and had herself a time
Because she didn't care
Soon she got sleepy, went to bed upstairs, when…

Not too hot, hard, etc., or too cold, soft, etc., but just right!

It may seems like there are two choices, but we are like Goldilocks. We want things just right, so there has to be a third choice, between the two extremes. If there are three choices and each player takes one choice, then there has to be at least three players, or one of the choices will be unchosen. This is why there is an optimal strategy for any game with three or more players but there is NOT an optimal strategy for a game with only two players. And as pointed out in a previous post,, most games only appear to have  two players when in fact have three.

Remember this when you are at any debate between liberal and conservative, left-wing and right-wing. There has to be a Goldilocks answer that is just right between these points of view. The more ideologically pure a candidate is in a two-candidate election, then the less likely he is to be chosen as “just right.”  That candidate may be right-wing, but he won’t be rightcorrect.

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