Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination Hearings


 It’s A Shame

 Why do you use me, try to confuse me
How can you stand, to be so cruel
Why don't you free me, from this prison
Where I serve my time as your fool

Senator Graham, have you no shame?


”Several GOP members of the committee took time Monday to lament the treatment of Brett Kavanaugh, Robert Bork and other conservative nominees during their own confirmation hearings. Kavanaugh's contentious hearing in 2018 was centered on accusations of sexual misconduct, allegations Kavanaugh denied before being confirmed to the bench.

 Senator Lindsey Graham said the panel was already off to a better start with Jackson, stating lawmakers "couldn't go back to our offices during Kavanaugh without getting spit on." 

https://www.newsweek.com/ketanji-brown-jackson-hearing-day-one-takeaways Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination Hearing: 5 Key Takeaways From Day One BY ALEXANDRA HUTZLER ON 3/21/22 AT 4:23 PM EDT 

Are you kidding? Do you not remember the Fortas hearings? Democratic President Johnson nominated Abe Fortas to be elevated from an Associate Justice to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Senator Thurmond, Lindsey Graham’s predecessor in the Senate, made a spectacle of those hearings, famously hosting a pornographic film festival after hours. I am sure that Senator Graham would have been a perfect uncontentious gentleman during the hearings on Merrick Garland, but Republican Majority Leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell never allowed those hearings to take place. While I agree with Justice Thomas that the Supreme Court has become too political, I hope you can forgive me for thinking that his statement was gaslighting especially in light of the political activities of his wife, including actively supporting “Stop The Steal” lie and attending the rally before the January 6th Capitol Riot.   

When Republican Presidents do not nominate Justices to the Supreme Court who can credibly be charged with workplace  sexual harassment (Clarence Thomas); sexual assault (Brett Kavanaugh) or were not the notable exception to Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre (Robert Bork) then perhaps the hearings could be less contentious.

Maybe then we can get justices who actually read and uphold the constitution; and will protect equal justice under the law; and will not invent a right to bear arms in self defense apart from the stated Second Amendment purpose to regulate a militia ( Antonin Scalia).  If Senator Graham and the GOP leaders have no shame, I am ashamed for them.



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