Sunday, March 20, 2022

Vladimir Putin


Don’t Be Cruel

Baby, if I made you mad
For something I might have said,
Please, let's forget my past,
The future looks bright ahead,
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true.

Vladimir Putin not only was cruel.  He was an Ass.

In 1979, Martin Short starred in the short-lived situation comedy The Associates.  It was notable for its cast, which included Wilfred Hyde-White (Colonel Pickering in My Fair Lady), Alley Mills  (the mother in The Wonder Years ), Joe Regalbuto ( Frank Fontana in Murphy Brown) and its legendary writer/producer, James Brooks (The Simpsons, Taxi, Mary Tyler Moore Show, etc.).  

The third episode featured a line that should be remembered.  In that episode, Martin Short’s firm was representing the defendant in a palimony suit.  The plaintiff was arguing that she gave up a promising career as a opera singer and was entitled to compensation.  Martin Short doubted her claim and asked her to sing on the witness stand.  She of course sang magnificently and proved her claim.  I am sure that at that time I identified with Martin Short.  At my current age, I identify more with the principal of the firm, Wilfred Hyde-White.  After the verdict, which Martin Short’s firm lost, Hyde-White asks Martin Short what he learned at the trial.  Martin Short gave the standard law school advice not to ask a question to which you don’t know the answer.  Hyde-White replied that the real lesson was “Don’t be an Ass”.

Vladimir  Putin would have been wise to have learned this lesson before he invaded Ukraine. He thought that the Ukrainians would rise up and welcome the Russian forces.  He not only did not know the result before he took an action.  He was cruel. And he was an Ass.

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