Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Distributions II


How Long

How long has this been goin' on? (ooh-ooh, yeah)
You've been creepin' 'round on me
How long has it been goin' on, baby? Oh (ooo-oh)
How long has this been goin' on? (You gotta go tell me now)

It seems like 40 years is more than enough.

One upon a time there was only one truth. https://dbeagan.blogspot.com/2022/01/resiliency.html.  Which led to the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, Jihad, and all that stuff.  In statistical terms the mean is equal to the median is equal to the mode, but the variance is zero.  This is called a normal distribution. ( can we say SNAFU)

Relativity said that there is more than one truth, that your perspective, frame of reference,  matters, and the variance should not be just zero.  The mean can still be equal to the median, but the variance should be more than 0 . If the variance is equal to one, then this is referred to as a uniform normal distribution, the familiar bell shaped curve.  But the skew is still zero.

As a way to increase the mean, the Reagan, supply side, tax cuts were approved. They did increase the mean, but they also increased the skew.  It was not limited to just zero.  It might have been expected that the distribution would have been  only  moderately skewed, but this turned out to be wrong.  After almost 40 years, the United States  has an extremely skewed distribution of income, and has the most skewed distribution of wealth in the world ( not counting the Sultanate of Brunei and the tax haven of the Bahamas but they each have less than 0.01% of the wealth of the United States.) https://dbeagan.blogspot.com/2022/04/distribution-of-wealth.html

Terms like normal and skew might seem to be biased but these are what the mathematical terms are called.  And math does not lie.                

If the skew was less than 1 it would be characterized as only  moderately skewed. If the distribution was an exponentially modified Gaussian (normal) distribution, the  skew would be  between 0.0 and 0.31.  The fact that the skew is now so much greater than 1.0 proves that if you give some people an inch, they will take a mile.

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