Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Republicans V


Love and Honor

 Love and honor never cross your mind And love and honor is something hard to find When someone tempted you, you ease across the line And I'll bet love and honor never cross your mind

There is no honor among thieves …or apparently  the current Republican Senate. 

·       Lindsey Graham said Republicans wouldn't give Jackson a hearing if they had the Senate majority.

·       "If we were in charge, she would not have been before this committee," he said Monday.

·       His comments underscore the depth of Republican hostility to Biden's Supreme Court nominee.


Really Lindsey?  Really?  Really?  That is NOT a mark of pride.  It is an acknowledgement that the failure to hold a nomination hearing on Merrick Garland was NOT because his SCOTUS nomination was during an election year and was thus not appropriate.  But Justice Amy Coney Barrett's nomination hearings already proved that,  didn’t they.  The problem is that most Republican Senators will not hold hearings on any nomination to the Supreme Court by a Democratic President. This means that Republican Senators will not honor their constitutional duty to provide advice and consent for nominations by a Democratic President. 

Senators, Democrats and Republicans, swear an oath to uphold the Constitution, whose sovereign is the People. They do NOT swear an oath to the their Party.  Should anyone trust admitted oath breakers?

It looks like those who believe in small government, but who also believe in the truth and who believe in the inclusion of all people do NOT have a place in today's Republican Party.  Representative Upton has only been the latest to have figured that out, hasn’t he?  Where are the rest to go? 

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