Sunday, April 3, 2022

What Is In A Name

My Name Is

Hi! My name is (what?)
My name is (who?)
My name is
Slim Shady

It sounds like Donald Trump needs some help with names.

"A guy who spells his name M-E-I-J-E-R but they pronounce it Meyer," Trump said. "What the hell kind of a spelling is that?

He continued: "I said, how the hell do you pronounce this guy's name? Nobody knows if he's done nothing in Washington... I said, how do you pronounce his name, is it MA-GER, MY-GER? They said it's MY-ER. How the hell do you get MY-ER out of it?" Donald Trump 4/2/2022

Donald, Donald, Donald. Meijer is a Dutch name. It refers to a profession similar to a bailiff or steward. It originates from the Latin word major and is often rendered Meyer abroad. One would have thought that Donald Trump would be used to Dutch names since New York City was once called New Amsterdam. A large number of the Manhattan elite, who snubbed Donald Trump as an upstart from Queens,  had Dutch surnames.

I can understand how Donald Trump would be confused by European surnames. His father claimed that Trump was a Swedish name after WWII. Actually it is German, but Fred Trump did not want to be associated with Nazi Germany. That is cowardly but what do you expected out of a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer and an admitted racial discriminator. ( Donald should remember that from 1973. He was  fined by  HUD at the same time his father was!)

Cowards run in Cadet Bone Spur’s family. Donald’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was deported from Bavaria for draft dodging. Friedrich died of the Spanish Fu in 1918. You would think that that his Grandfather’s death would have made an impression on Donald, but he always got it wrong, falsely saying the Spanish Flu began in 1917.

And before the stable genius starts attacking me, yes, I know that he has a Bachelor’s degree from UPenn. But I actually went to class when I got my Master’s degree at UPenn. 

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