Thursday, April 21, 2022



Zippy Dee Doh Dah

Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder
It's the truth, it's "actch'll"
Everything is "satisfactch'll"

“Bill to Revoke Disney’s Special Tax and Self-Governing Status Passes Florida’s House”

Guys be careful what you are doing.  It might feel good at the moment but…those roads on Disney property might become your state roads.  Those firefighters and police officers in Disney World, they are doing jobs that might become the responsibility of Florida public sector firefighters and police.  The inspections that Disney does on its property might become a government responsibility. The debt that  Disney incurred to build these facilities might become public debt, Etc.

It reminds me of a time when I was a government bureaucrat and my boss angrily wanted to fire one of the mangers who reported to me.  I reminded her that he would then revert to his Civil Service status from which he could not be fired, and his Civil Service status would pay more than his manager's salary. My boss changed her mind, and wanted me to tell him that as punishment she was NOT going to fire him.  I think the appropriate Disney phrase would be “Please don’t throw me in that briar patch, B’rer Fox.”  Act in haste, repent at leisure indeed!

The good news is that Disney is going to lower its ticket prices.  The bad news is that I am going to have to increase your taxes, even if you don't ever go to a Disney Park.  Gee, thanks Florida State House, NOT!

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