Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Choose Life


I Am Alive

We are alive
Oh, and though we lie alone here in the dark
Our souls will rise to carry the fire and light the spark
To fight shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart
Let your mind rest easy, sleep well my friend
It's only our bodies that betray us in the end

Flat-lining means that you are dead, not alive.

A function where everyone, x, has the same value, made the same choice, if that choice is 0 or 1, is y=1 or y=0. It is a flat line. The Cumulative Distribution Function would be 0 before the choice and 1 after the choice.

A function where everyone, x, is free to make a choice, which is still 0 or 1, is a logistics distribution. The Probability Density Function of a logistics distribution is not y=0 or y=1, but is
y= e-((x-µ)/s)/(1+ e-((x-µ)/s)), where the e-((x-µ)/s) is the probability of the choice, µ is where the average choice is made, and s is the range over which the choice occurs.   If you saw this reading on a Vital Signs Monitor in an ICU, you would say that this is a pulse and a sign of life. The Cumulative Distribution Function is still 0 before the range of the choice and 1 after the range of the choice.

If there is no free will, and everyone in the group agrees with you, but did not make their own choice, then there is no pulse in that group. Despite the fact that everyone agreed with you, the group has flatlined. Only if everyone in the group makes their own choice, which may not be yours, is there a pulse and the group has not flatlined. So you have a choice, the group agrees with you and is dead, or the group is free to choose a position that may disagree with you and is alive.

I will eventually die, but I want my group to still be alive.

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