Thursday, January 12, 2023



Theme from Star Trek

I know his journey ends never
His star trek will go on forever.
But tell him while he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me

To boldly go where no man has gone before.

I am an equal opportunity nerd.  I read the novelization of Star Wars before attending the premier of the movie ( now called Episode Four).  I wore out my box copy of the Lord of the Rings novels. Don’t test me on trivia about  comic book super heroes.  I did not pass this down to my children.  While my eldest son appears in the Behind the Scenes for the House of the Dragon, he is proud that he never saw an episode of, Game Of Thrones, even though HOD was a prequel to GOT.  But there is a special place in my heart for Star Trek because it provided a role model for me at a time when I did not know what white collar workers did. ( The lyric above is from Star Trek.  It has lyrics? Yes, instrumental TV themes often had unplayed lyrics.  Look up the Bonanza lyrics and sing along!)

At a time when my father and neighbors were all factory or other blue collar workers, Star Trek provided an engineer as a role model.  I knew that I was unsuited for the starring role of Captain Kirk, but I could aspire to be like Lieutenant  Commander Montgomery Scott who we all knew was the real keeper of the soul of the USS Enterprise, not merely the jockey of the ship.   Mr. Scott thank you for inspiring me.  I  have tried to give it Warp Factor Eight, and maybe a wee bit more.

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