Sunday, January 15, 2023

George Santos


Liar, Liar

Liar, liar, pants on fire
Your nose is longer than a telephone wire
If you keep on tellin' me those lies
Still goin' out with other guys
There'll come a day I'll be gone
Take my advice, won't be long

Bad news, George Santos!

Wining a primary is not winning the general election, as was demonstrated during the recent mid-terms.  Governing, either by administering the laws, the Executive branch, or making the laws, the Legislative branch, is even more of a difference.  You govern for all for all of the people, so voters want to know a candidate's' policies. Voters probably want  to elect a "Good Shepherd", not a "Boy that Cries Wolf".

The US House of Representatives is currently 435 people.  The population of the United States in 2020 was 331.1 million according to the draft reapportionment figures. Thus each congressperson should represent over 760,000 people.  That they do not is because the Congress has not adopted the Wyoming rule, and instead tries to allocate congressional districts using the Method of Equal Proportions, as provided for in Title 2, United States Code, Sections 2a and 2b. Thus Wyoming's lone congressional seat represents over 577,000 people, while Delaware’s lone seat represents over 990,000 people. But I digress.

I have never met my congressional representative, nor do I expect to.  I also don’t personally know a thousand people, never mind 700 thousand.  Since my intention is to be represented by someone who will look out for the interests of me and my entire district, I look for someone, such as a veteran who has already demonstrated a System Optimal strategy.  If someone does act for themself, a User Optimal strategy, I look for the wealthy because I hope that, even if they can be bought, their price is very, very high.  But barring a veteran or the wealthy, I have to trust the endorsements of the primary political parties, Democrats or Republicans.   

I don’t mean to shock you, but people can lie.  My hope is that those political parties have vetted the person that they are endorsing.  In the case of George Santos, the Republican party clearly did not examine the candidate, or else they would have known he was a pathological liar who lied about almost every aspect of his life.  Is George Santos a representative of me? No, and that also appears to be the opinion of the people of Long Island that he was supposed to represent.  He might have won election in 2022 but….Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.

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