Friday, January 12, 2024

Election Slogan


Save The Country

We could build the dream with love
And I got fury in my soul
Fury's gonna take me to the glory goal
In my mind I can't study war no more
Save the people! Save the children! Save the country!
Save the country! Save the country! Save the country!

Save the Country!

The Biden Campaign has seems to have decided on “Save Democracy” as its slogan.  That sounds like it is favoring the Democratic Party.  Should it be “Save the Republic”?

Republic, form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body. Modern republics are founded on the idea that sovereignty rests with the people, though who is included and excluded from the category of the people has varied across history. Because citizens do not govern the state themselves but through representatives, republics may be distinguished from direct democracy, though modern representative democracies are by and large republics.

The Biden election is being opposed by "republicans In Name Only", rINOs, who are afraid that the people will not choose as those rINOs have chosen. They do not want representatives of the people but representatives of only themselves.  When Benjamin Franklin was asked what form of government the Constitutional Convention had given, he is supposed to have said “A republic, if you can keep it”.  This appears to be an election that will decide whether we can keep it.

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