Tuesday, January 9, 2024



Impossible / It’s Possible

But the world is full of zanies and fools
Who don’t believe in sensible rules
And won’t believe what sensible people say,
And because these daft and dewy- eyed dopes
Keep building up impossible hopes,
Impossible things are happening every day!

Did you mean Improbable?

When I was growing up, many of my neighbors and relatives worked for the then headquarters of the Naval Construction Battalion of Engineers, "SeaBees", at Quonset Point Naval Air Station.  The motto of the SeaBees is “Can Do” and the phrase "With willing hearts and skillful hands, the difficult we do at once, the impossible takes a bit longer" is often associated with them.

I always wanted to be a Seabee, but I had to settle for being just an engineer.  As an engineer I may be willing, but I know engineers can’t ever do the impossible, just the improbable.  But often what is called impossible is merely improbable.  So ask an engineer.  He may be just the zany fool you need!.

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