Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Safe Schools

                                                                 Ever True to Brown

We are ever true to Brown,
For we love our college dear,
And wherever we may go,
We are ready with a cheer,
And the people always say,
That you can’t outshine Brown Bears,
With their Rah! Rah! Rah! and their Ki! Yi! Yi!
And their B-R-O-W-N.

Go Bears!

I graduated from Brown University in 1973.  While I am proud to be a Brown Alum, this was not my first, or even my second, choice of school.

My first choice was the US Naval Academy.  I thought that my godfather having the rank of Navy Captain and my being a Merit Scholar made me a shoo in.  But I failed the medical exam because of my eyesight.  ( I CAN see a battleship!  I immediately went to my draft board physical and was found to be 1-A before I got a student deferment.  Apparently I see good enough to be a grunt, just not to be a naval officer!)  My second choice was MIT, but I was rejected there. Which made Brown my "safe" school.

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