Monday, February 14, 2022

Kamila Valieva


Children Will Listen

Guide them along the way,
Children will glisten
Children will look to you for which way to turn
To learn what to be
Careful before you say, listen to me.
Children will listen.

Blaming the victim does not punish a crime.  Punishing the crime punishes the crime.

Is there a Russian team at the Winter Olympics or are there athletes at the Winter Olympics that happen to be Russian?  Based on the Parade of Nations, the playing of the National Anthem of the Gold Medal Winner, the display of the National flags for the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals on the podium, and the display of National flags on the uniforms of the athletes, etc., it would appear that Nations are at the Winter Olympics.  At least one Nation appears to have violated the rules of the Olympics and in doing so has placed its athletes in jeopardy.   If the International Olympic Committee cared about those athletes, it would not allow them to be placed in jeopardy.

It seems merciful not to penalize athletes for violations of their country.  But allowing those athletes to compete under these circumstances is not mercy for those athletes, it is being complicit in jeopardizing their well being.  Placing the onus on other athletes, who violated no rules and yet finish behind those athletes who have been found to violate Olympic rules, is unfair to those other athletes.  If the Olympics seeks to promote good sportsmanship, how is disputing the awarding of medals to those who finished above you ever promoting good sportsmanship?

Was the athlete involved in the  violation of Olympic rules a minor?  Absolutely, but that does not change the truth that the rules were violated.  Could a minor have violated those rules? Not according to the law.  Should the adults who violated those rules be punished? Absolutely.  But if child abuse occurs, is it fair to turn give the child back to the abuser, even if punishing the abuser will deprive the child of a place the child wishes to be.

An alternative, not allowing minors to compete at the Olympics, is unfair to those minors, those Nations, and the adults in those Nations who have not violated the rules.  It is throwing out the baby  with the bath water.  Child abuse might occur in families.  The solution should not be to remove all children from their families.  But if the adults found guilty of child abuse are to be punished, every step should be taken to make it clear that punishing the abuser is not also punishing the child.  Saying that Kamila Valieva willing took Trimetazidine is blaming the victim in a child abuse case.  Can the abuser be punished without punishing the victim?  If it means returning the victim back to the abuser and requiring non victims to be poor sports, it doesn’t seem that justice has been served. Collateral damage is still damage. Saying that collateral damage should be ignored does not make that damage go away.


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