Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Republicans II


We're Following the Leader

Following the leader, the leader, the leader
We're following the leader
Wherever he may go

If you are following the leader,
then you better also be sure he is going where you want to go.

Under the US Constitution there is a single representative per district voting system.  This system will ordinarily result in two parties according to Duverger’s Law.  These parties vie to elect representatives to lead the Nation, i.e. the tribe.  An individual can place his own interests first and not have any interest in advancing the tribe. ( “I like people who weren't captured” Donald Trump speaking of John McCain).  An individual can choose the best interests of the tribe but exclude other individuals from his definition of the tribe.  (America is a White Christian Nation, only if you exclude religions other than Christianity, and  races other than White from America. And as JFK can attest, Christian may not mean Catholic).  An individual can believe things that are not factual ( The Republican nominee in 1884, James G. Blaine, who, despite a reputation for corruption, had “very devoted followers within the party who would not believe any of the charges brought against him,” as  Mark Twain scholar Kay Moser puts it.)

If there are only two parties seeking to lead the Nation, and some individuals place their own interests above the Nation, choose to exclude individuals from the Nation, and seek to believe falsehoods, then they must join one of those two parties. The tragedy of today’s Republican Party is that in order to represent the Nation, they have embraced those who have no interest in the well-being of the Nation, seek to exclude others from the Nation, and/or chose to embrace falsehoods.  If Republicans are willing to embrace those individuals in order to numerically represent the Nation, then they do not deserve to lead the Nation.

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