Friday, February 11, 2022

Rationing COVID Treatments


Sympathy for the Devil

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

The Prince of Lies tries to confuse the Means with the Ends.

Stephen “The Lizard” Miller has crawled out from under his rock to make a claim that states are discriminating in the distribution of the COVID treatments on basis of race. (I am confused! I thought the Lizard was opposed to the vaccine and opposed to minorities.   Shouldn’t he support sending more vaccines to minorities?)

Silly Rabbit.  There is a difference in bias in the method, the means,  and bias in the result, the ends.  The result should not be discriminatory.  Just because the method is not discriminatory, that does not mean that the end result is not discriminatory.  This is known as sampling bias.

For example, if there is a poll conducted on TikTok, then only those who use TikTok can respond.   If TikTok usage is not biased, then the result of that poll is not biased.  (FYI, I am NOT among those TikTok users). But if the result is biased and that result does not reflect the general population, then it is appropriate to correct the method. 

This confusion between bias in the method, the means, and bias in the result, the ends, might be the basis for many voting fraud fears.  Asking for a Driver’s License to prove one’s identity, the means, when one is voting is not discriminatory. But if the distribution of Driver’s Licenses does not also reflect the distribution of the voters, the end, then this proof is biased.  The ends not justifying the means works both ways.  If the end is biased, then the means are biased.

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