Saturday, July 6, 2024



The Impossible Dream

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable
The unreachable
The unreachable star 

What I heard last night 

The last question that was asked during last night’s interview on ABC with President Biden, was how would he feel if Donald Trump wins the election in 2024? As a result of President Biden’s response, I heard the song lyric above playing in my head. The first ABC pundit responding to the interview said that he was deeply troubled by his response and that an unnamed senior Democrat was also upset by his response. I guess it really is true that perspective is everything. 

This concluding song is from the Broadway musical “Man of La Mancha”.  The author Cervantes sings it while in prison, so clearly Cervantes had lost. But his song was his response, that character is more important than winning. 

Elections are about character and policies. But IMHO character is much more important. I might disagree with the policies, but if the character is such that truth matters, then I know that that candidate will fight for those policies as hard as he would fight for mine, and he might even change his policies to mine. If his opponent is a liar, I do not know if that opponent will fight for the policies that he articulated even if I agree with those policies at that present time. The election is about the world being better, not the other candidate being better. Am I certain that President Biden will be elected? Nothing is certain, but the world would be grateful if he is elected.

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