Monday, July 15, 2024

Vice President


Simply The Best

You're simply the best
Better than all the rest
Better than anyone
Anyone I've ever met

How about simply the worst?

Donald Trump has done it again. Of all of the possible candidates of those who might have been selected as his running mate, he has picked the worst one. It is perhaps not surprising. Marco Rubio and Doug Burnham had the possibility of pulling a Mike Pence on Donald Trump and putting the constitution above Trump’s interest. No such worries with J.D. Vance.  He will put personal ambition over constitutional duty every single time. But if I were Donald Trump, I would use taste testers before accepting any food or drink from Senator Vance. He has to be very careful that J.D. Vance’s personal ambition does not overcome any loyalty to his President. The Vice President is only a heartbeat away from the Presidency, which does not speak very well for Donald Trump’s heart, if he has one.

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