Friday, July 5, 2024




God began to flood the land
Raised his hand to heaven on high
And knocked that sun and the moon from the sky
Shook the mountains and disturbed the sea
Hitched his reins to his Chariot Wheel
Stepped on land and stood out on shore
Declared this time couldn't be no more
'Cause it's gonna rain

What if you flood with something other than water?

Steve Bannon, the convicted prisoner who can currently be reached at the Danbury Federal Correctional Institution, is an advocate of flooding the zone with bullshit/lies.  So apparently is Donald Trump, which he displayed during his “debate” with President Biden.  In debate, this strategy is called the Gish Gallop after creationist Duane Gish who often used the technique when challenging the scientific fact of evolution.  The problem in debate is that it takes more time to respond to the lies than it does to state the lies in the first place. 

When it is used in a debate, the victim appears confused.  When the victim had previously been characterized as old, this confusion can appear to be confirmation that this confusion was age induced senility.  Abbott and Costello tried to amuse us with this technique.  We were supposed to think that Lou Costello was stupid, not merely confused. 

During the debate, the confusion was supposed to be evidence of senility.  Flooding the zone with lies, especially when Jake Tapper and Dana Bash were of no help in fact-checking those lies,  couldn’t have worked, could it?

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