Sunday, August 4, 2024

Corruption III


You’ll Be Back

When you're gone, I'll go mad
So don't throw away this thing we had
Cause when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love

But if the King does it is the law, correct?

King George was admittedly a mad tyrant. The United States was founded by fighting a revolution against his tyranny. But maybe he was just in the wrong time and place. According to the US Supreme Court decision in 2024’s Trump v. US, anything that the Chief Executive does in his official capacity is legal. So everything that King George did was legal because he was the king, and everything George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the rest of the founding fathers did was illegal. I guess the  Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, etc., might have been moral documents but they were all illegal documents.

There is a considerable difference between legality and morality. King Henry II of England uttered to his court ”Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest.”  Legally this was not a command to his assembled court. However four knights  present took this to be an instruction to murder Thomas Beckett. According to the recent Supreme Court decision King Henry committed no crime. However that was not the moral opinion. King Henry was deemed morally guilty of the murder of Thomas Beckett, and was forced to do penance for that crime. There is a difference between legality and morality. There shouldn’t be, but there is. The Supreme Court may be legal, but it is immoral.


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