Saturday, August 3, 2024




As Moses supposes his toeses to be! A Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is A rose is for Moses as potent as toeses Couldn't be a lily or a daphi daphi dilli It's gotta be a rose cuz it rhymes with mose! Moses! Moses! Moses!

Let's hear it for Moses!

Moses famously did not enter with the Israelites whom he was leading into the Promised Land. Joshua did.  But that did not mean that Moses turned the Israelites around and forbade them from entering the Promised Land.  Luthen in the  Star Wars series Andor says that “ I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see.” The saying is that  a belief in the future is why old men plant trees and young men go to school. The future is uncertain and scary.  There is no guarantee that the promised land is better, …that the sunrise will ever come,… that the tree will grow… or that the education will pay off.  All of these things may benefit the group. They may not benefit the user.

We count on those individuals that think more of the group than themselves if we are part of that group. Thank you Joe Biden for being our Moses, and Kamala Harris for being our Joshua.  Embrace the future.  Not going back.

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