Friday, August 2, 2024

Engineers II


Seabee ( Sea Battalion of Engineers) Song

We're the Seabees of the Navy
We can build and we can fight
We'll pave our way to victory
And guard it day and night.

Why I wanted to be an engineer, …to build and guard.

Engineers believe that planning on being lucky is NOT a plan.  That is why we insist on redundancy and insurance. And THAT is why engineers are boring. The irony is from an individual's point of view, eliminating redundancy AND not paying for insurance appears to save cost ( in the short term).  (Why pay for something you aren't using?). 

The problem is that if the primary system fails, you are glad to have redundancy.  And in the words of Yogi Berra for AFLAC insurance, "When you are hurt and miss work, it doesn't hurt to miss work."  You need insurance when your primary fails.  The irony is that insurance requires the lucky AND the unlucky to share the risk.  The fewer people that are willing to buy insurance, the more costly it is for everyone else that remains. 

And in a nutshell that is the problem with the US today .  Too many plan on being lucky.  And when anyone is unlucky, it is their own fault. It wasn't always this way.  "We will all hang together or we will all hang separately."  "United we stand". "We the people" NOT "Me the person".  Sharing is caring.

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