Saturday, August 10, 2024

Tim Walz


I am the Walrus

I am the eggman,
They are the eggmen,
I am the walrus,
Goo goo g' joob.

I might be the walrus, but Tim Walz is a batman!

Not THE Batman, the Dark Knight. Alfred is Batman’s batman, just as Sancho Panza is Don Quixote’s batman, Bernardo is Zorro’s batman, Bunter is Lord Peter Wimsey’s batman and Samwise Gamgee is Frodo Baggins’s batman.  Batman comes from the French word for pack.   It is a term for the orderly, typically a common enlisted man, who served, carried the pack, for a British officer.  That officer might be able to do great things for the group, but only with the assistance of his batman.  That batman might sometimes disagree with that officer but kept his promise to serve that officer as long as that officer served the group. I'm with Master Sergeant Walz, how about you?

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