Danger Zone
Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity
Highway to the danger zone
Gonna take it right into the danger zone
Highway to the danger zone
Ride into the danger zone
Is the distribution of wealth in the danger zone?
Wealth is NOT an Absolute
zero. It is a Relative zero. As proof take Gershwin’ s I’ve Got Plenty of Nothing
from Porgy and Bess. In the song Porgy sings, “ I got my girl, got my song, Got heaven the whole day
long, Got my girl, got my love, yes got my song”. If he did
not have any of those things, then his nothing would be an Absolute zero. The problem
is that in two-dimensional space-time, it is possible to construct an outcome matrix
which is absolutely TRUE,
{2/3, 0, 1/6, 1/6} . This
matrix satisfies the components of {true win,
true loss, false win, and false loss} and is 100% certain. It is also possible
to construct another outcome matrix which is absolutely TRUE. {3/3,
0, 0, 0} . The
problem is that an absolute matrix can also be constructed which is {1/3,
0, 1/3, 1/3} which is absolutely FALSE and is 100% certain. ( This also
suggests that an absolute has three aspects, is a trinity)
Individuals can form a group to act like an absolute. In two dimensional space-time their outcome can be {66.7%, 0, 16.7%, 16.7%}, which is also absolutely TRUE. That normal distribution of individuals can also be skewed maximally positive to {96%, 0, 2%, 2%} which is close to being absolutely TRUE. But that distribution can also be {46.3%, 0, 26.85%, 26.85%} which is skewed maximally negative, and is absolutely FALSE. The problem is that normal individuals acting as a group can not perceive the absolute. They can only perceive at most 5/6th of the absolute. The danger zone is any outcome, distribution, between {50%, 0, 25%, 25%] and {65.9%, 0, 17.05% 17.05%}. It might appear to be true, but this may be an illusion because the absolute might be perceived incorrectly. The problem is that these appear to be “winning” distributions in that the sum of True wins and False wins is greater than False losses, but the distribution of wealth is already in the danger zone and the variance in that distribution of wealth is increasing.
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