Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 It Ain't Necessarily So

It ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so
The things that you're liable
To read in the Bible
They ain't necessarily so.

It might be true, but maybe it doesn't mean what you think it means!

In high school I remember in history class being fascinated by the Renaissance which was characterized as the “resurrection of forgotten knowledge.” Thinking that only the current way is best way is the height of hubris. I think that we have forgotten much, not only that which has been resurrected but some things that have not yet been resurrected.  

Read 1491, a book about the Americas before Columbus. It is possible that the Amazon rain-forest is the remnants of a garden feeding the Incas or some other Native American civilization and what we characterize as the “Stone Age” tribes of the Amazon are merely the “doomsday prepper” descendants of the caretakers of that garden. ( IOW that last scene in Planet of the Apes with Charlton Heston is correct except we haven’t yet found the Amazonian Statue of Liberty.) 

Thinking that we can’t learn from the ancient Romans or any ancient Civilization is dead wrong, IMHO. if you believe that history repeats, MAGA, then wouldn’t  you want to learn from that history, Then the saying should be “ My country right or wrong.  If it’s right then keep it right, and if it’s wrong then make it right”, instead of just “My country right or wrong” .  I.e. MAGA isn’t wrong so much as it is incomplete.  

We should think “Those Romans,  I want to resurrect their knowledge. They knew how to make concrete.”  Not just their art, but the material that made the art possible. I want to find that medieval Irish monk before the Renaissance copying ancient Roman and Greek texts, not just the poems and plays, but the concrete handbooks. 

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