Saturday, May 27, 2023

Debt Ceiling II


Burning Down The House

Ah, watch out
You might get what you're after
Cool babies
Strange but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Burning down the house.

Debt ceiling deal anyone?

In the game of chicken that is the debt ceiling negotiations, the House Freedom Caucus that installed Kevin McCarthy as Speaker is prepared to crash and burn the United States’ economy.  This should not be a surprise.  Since they do not view the elected sovereign of the United States as their sovereign, they also do not view the economy as their economy.  Uh, “This land is your land, this land is my land” and all that jazz.  There is not a Democratic economy and a Republican economy.  There is only the United States economy.  The sovereign of the United States is NOT the President.  The President, of either party, is only the current steward of the People and their economy. This is confusing the ceremonial sovereign, the President, with the actual sovereign, the People. If you crash the economy, then you are crashing the People’s economy. Why should we ever let you be stewards of that economy, if there is any economy left after you try to burn down the house.

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