Tuesday, May 23, 2023



Little Red Riding Hood

I'm gonna keep my sheep suit on,
‘Till I'm sure that you've been shown
That I can be trusted, walking with you alone.

But the fact that you are warning about wolves, may be a warning that you can’t ever be trusted.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing, is a name for someone who is trying to deceive to gain trust, i. e a wolf who is donning sheep’s clothing to hide among  the sheep.  A classic ruse of those in sheep’s clothing to gain the trust of the sheep, and to also make sure that  suspicion does not fall on themselves as a wolf, is to warn the sheep about wolves.   I wish that we could say that this is a modern insight, but Little Red Riding Hood and a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing are an ancient stories.  "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is a line from the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare.  The warning against pickpockets, “Vultures”, in the classic movie Casablanca comes from a pickpocket. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW5bcI0ADCY.

The point being that those who warn us about a threat may not be doing so not for our protection, but for their own purposes to deceitfully gain our trust.  Let this be a warning.  If someone warns you about something very vigorously, it may be because they are guilty of the same behavior about which they are warning. The warning may not be real and only be a projection of their own bad behavior that is intended to distract you from their bad behavior.  

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