Friday, May 12, 2023



Will The Circle Be Unbroken

Will the circle be unbroken
By and by Lord, by and by
There's a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky

In case it isn’t obvious, the circle is God

The circle has long been a symbol of perfection, eternity, and of God.  It has no beginning and no end.  The Nicene Creed says that God is a trinity, 3, which creates confusion for the belief that there is but one God.  However the Trinity merely says that there are three aspects of that one God. The area of a circle is π*r(adius)2 , the  circumference of circle is 2*π*r(adius),so it is common to use π as the symbol of a circle.

The major religions all seem to agree that life is about chaging our state from Unsaved to Saved.  (They of course disagree about how you get saved but they all still seem to say that there are these two states).  If there are two states,  Saved (1) and Unsaved (0), then the mean and median of these states is 0.5.  A normal distribution is the logistics distribution, also know as the sech-squared distribution.  It is has a range variable, s.  If there are two states, 0 and 1, and their median and mean is 0.5, then the range, s,  is 0.5, i.e. 0.5 + 0.5 = 1 and 0.5 - 0.5 =0.  The variance of the normal sech-squared distribution is s22/3. In other words, Choice/Free Will, 0.5, squared multiplied by perfection, π, squared divided by 3.

A coincidence? Remember Einstein's quote that coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.

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