Saturday, May 13, 2023



Nasty Girl

Ohh (do you think I'm a nasty girl?)
Ohh (nasty)
Nasty girl (nasty girl)
Do you think I'm a nasty girl?
I don't like this groove
Try and give me something I can croon to
Catch my drift?

Is Kaitlin Collins A Nasty Girl?

At the CNN Town Hall in New Hampshire with Donald Trump, where the audience must have been drawn from the parking lot crowd at Mar-a-Lago, the disgraced and disgraceful former President called Kaitlin Collins NASTY.  Should CNN have done that broadcast with that laugh track? NO. Was Kaitlin Collins asked by CNN to go into the Lions’ Den? YES.

Considering that Donald Trump has previously called Nancy Pelosi, Meghan Markel, Kamala Harris, April Ryan and Hillary Clinton nasty, Kaitlin is in good company.  If that is NASTY, then “More please”.

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