Monday, May 29, 2023



Everybody Wants to Rule the World 

Acting on your best behavior
Turn your back on Mother Nature
Everybody wants to rule the world 

Don't  turn your back please. Be a steward, NOT a ruler. 

In the  creation story in the Bible,  God in the English text appears to give man dominion over the Earth  (Genesis 1:28).  But the Bible was not written in English.  It was written in ancient languages and translated many times, eventually into English.  It is not reasonable to assume dominion is the correct concept and that has given Man the right to dominate and possess absolute control over the Earth.  If that is the case, then God has given his sovereignty over the Earth to Man, and this sovereignty is thus no longer God’s. Instead it is more reasonable to assume that God has retained his sovereignty and has merely made Man his steward and caretaker. This is in keeping with the Israelites’ belief in the Old Testament that the land in its entirety belongs to God and not to his people and that  “the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” (Psalm 24:1). 

In fact, it is questionable that the Bible ever supports dominance of any group over any other group.  If we are supposed to be stewards, our brother’s keepers, Good Shepherds, etc. then dominance is never supported.  Dominance is not even the best game strategy, except in two player contests.  This does not mean being a pushover.  The best game  strategy is being tough but fair.

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