Thursday, May 25, 2023



Hey Boss Man

Well, I'm gonna get me a boss man, one gonna treat me right
Work hard in the daytime, rest easy at night
Big boss man, can't you hear me when I call?
Well, you ain't so big, you're just tall, that's all

A person is a person no matter how tall.

The Decennial Census of the United States is used to apportion representation among the states.  This includes both wards of the state (children, women before the 19th amendment, and chattel slaves before the 13th Amendment) and citizens of the state.  The census asks questions about the current sex, gender, of the wards and citizens, but it does not ask the sex at birth.  Similarly it does not ask the sexual orientation of the wards or citizens. So legally, the previous gender and the sexual orientation must not be matters that concern the standing of citizens or wards of the United States.

You may DOMINATE persons because of their current gender, their sexual orientation, etc.  But that only means that you DOMINATED that person, not that it is no longer a person. E.g. a taller person may DOMINATE  a smaller person, but that smaller person is STILL a person.

Wards of the state may be born and die between decennial census, but they are still wards of the state while they are alive.  They are considered to be wards of the state because, had they been alive at the time of the Decennial Census, they would have been included. Thus viable fetuses, who might also have been born have legal standing as wards of the People. But NONviable fetuses are not wards of the People.  They might be considered to be persons by some, but legally they are not wards of the People.

Corporations are also not reported in the US Census, so corporations must also not be considered People.  Corporations may consist of people, but the assets of the people holding shares in the corporation are considered to be separate from the assets of the corporation.  So the rights of the shareholders can only be assets of the corporation if they have been completely transferred to the corporation.  The rights of the People (e.g. Freedom of Speech) are not considered to be transferable, so while the individual has Freedom of Speech, if that individual is a shareholder of a corporation, then that corporation does not automatically share in that right.

Legal matters should be considered by certainty, not dominance.  A person that is dominated still has the same certainty as before.  A judge that is overseeing any matter on which that judge has an interest in the outcome might be on the dominant side of those outcomes, but he can not increase the certainty of that outcome.

You may dominate persons because of their current gender, their sexual orientation, etc.  But that only means that you dominated that person, not that it is not a person. A taller person may dominate  a smaller person, but that does not mean that  person is NOT a person. I’m with Dr. Seuss’ Horton The Elephant who said that  “A person is a person no matter how small”.

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