Thursday, May 11, 2023



It’s A Shame

It's a shame (shame) the way you mess around with your man
It's a shame (shame) the way you play with my emotions
It's a shame (shame) the way you mess around with your man
You're like a child at play, on a sunny day
'Cause you play with love, and then you throw it away

Have you no shame?

The exact words uttered by Joseph Welch to questions by Senator Joseph McCarthy during the Army hearings of 1954 were “Have you no sense of decency”. This was of course a rhetorical question directed to the audience of the hearings. Senator McCarthy of course had no sense of decency. A sense of decency, the ability to feel shame, means you value the opinion of the group more than you value your own opinion. Like the Orange Menace, Senator McCarthy cared not one whit about the opinions of the group. He only cared about his own opinions. Al Franken can resign from the Senate over an inappropriate photo. Abe Fortas can resign from the Supreme Court over a controversial $18,000 contribution that he refunded. Now that is shame!

And by the group, I mean the entire Nation, not just the group of supporters who share his opinion. The fact that Senator McCarthy was holding hearings charging lax security at a top-secret army facility was only an attempt to raise fear on the issue. A classic con artist stunt. “We’ve Got Trouble Right here in River City.” Henry Hill did not care at all about the pool hall. A digression. Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang magazine mentioned in the lyrics became Whiz Comics which debuted the original Captain Marvel. Shazam! THAT’S your idea of trouble? He only wanted to sell band uniforms. It starts when you’re always afraid.

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